Visual ArtsVisual Arts offers students the skills and techniques to produce quality artworks in a wide range of 2D and 3D art forms and different media. Each year students are taught higher order skills in drawing, design and painting and develop studio works in either painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking and textiles. Students are taught skills in a variety of themes suitable for their age and interests and they are encourage to look at a wide range of artists and art eras to inspire their art works.
Lower School In Year 7, the theme “Me, Myself and I” is studied and students are instructed how to create self- portrait drawings, designs of their favourite things and to create a ceramic self- portrait or an acrylic painting on canvas. “Food, Glorious Food” is the theme in Year 8 and students are taught how to draw realistically and show tone and form in a variety of media. Painted designs are produced and ceramic hamburgers are created during the semester long course. In Year 9, students are encouraged to develop their skills in using a variety of different drawing media such as graphite, charcoal, pen and ink, water colour to develop imaginative and observational drawings. From these drawings, designs are created and a sculpture in ceramics or paper mache created. In Upper School students develop a body of work around themes such as “Experiences” and develop a portfolio of drawings and designs from which a large ceramic sculpture, print or painting is created. Senior School General Visual Art Courses are offered at the school. Courses consist of :Production (or the practical area) which consists of a body of work that incorporates resolved artworks and documentation of thinking and working practices (portfolio). Students are encouraged to develop large studio art works in a variety of art forms such as a large acrylic self -portrait, or a large ceramic figurative sculpture or an edition of hand tinted lino prints. The other areas of study involve the study of the Elements and Principles of Design and art eras and famous artists, past and present. The analysis section of the course instructs students to respond to and analyse artworks by famous artists and comment on the art forms structure and purpose. Case studies involving research and visual analysis focusing on Australian and International artists, are the third area of study. Other The Visual Arts area encourages their students to view art works by local and international artists. There are a range of excursions offered- To the Sculpture by The Sea, The Art Gallery of WA and other galleries. |
Mr James McPhail VISUAL ARTS TEACHERS Mrs Ann Gardiner Mr Sam Pich |