Dear Parents and caregivers,
Term 2 has started on a positive note with a large number of students coming back to school for face to face learning. Our students seemed incredibly happy to be back and clearly appreciated returning to some normality. I am sure getting to see their friends again has also helped. The staff at Dianella Secondary College are also pleased to be back, doing what they do best which of course is teaching your children. The decision to have your children returning to school has posed a dilemma for many parents. I am consistently asked, “What do I think?” by parents, friends and family. My response has been consistent from the beginning. I have been, and will continue to be guided by the recommendations of the Department of Education, the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) and the Chief Health Officer of WA. They have determined that schools should remain open and that it is safe to send your children to school. They have also determined that staff and children are not at increased risk of COVID-19 by physically attending school; and that there have been no cases of student-to-student transmission in Western Australia and no cases of student to teacher transmission. I am strongly advising that all year 11 and 12 students re-commence face to face learning as soon as possible, however our school is open for all students. With that said, we are still exercising precautions to ensure the ongoing safety of our staff and students which includes:
I look forward to a positive term and returning to some normality. Again I would like to thank you all for your on-going support throughout this challenging period. I will continue to provide updates as new information comes to hand. Kind Regards, Wayne Austin Principal Dear Parents and caregivers,
I am writing to you during the school holidays to let you know about the arrangements for our school for Term 2 and what it will mean for you and your children. These are unprecedented times and therefore, we will need to do some things differently in schools over the coming weeks, to maintain learning and to keep your children and our staff safe. I understand this may be an uncertain and difficult period for you and your family. That is why the State Government has given parents a choice about whether their children return to school for face-to-face teaching or learn from home. It is a personal decision influenced by each family’s circumstances. To assist with your decision making, please note the following:
The State Government is providing $43 million in additional funding to expand school cleaning, in line with the health advice. Cleaners will work throughout the day to ensure all high-use areas, such as benchtops, desks, doorknobs, taps and hand rails, are regularly cleaned and surfaces disinfected. Our playgrounds will be open and play equipment will be cleaned before school and after each break. We will provide further information on how our school will manage this situation, ahead of school beginning on Wednesday 29 April. These arrangements will be in place and reviewed ahead of Week 4 commencing 18 May. As always, State Government decisions will be based on the best health advice. We want all families and children to feel supported and informed during this time. I thank you for your partnership as we navigate this together. Kind regards, Wayne Austin Principal Dear Parents and caregivers
Firstly, can I thank you all for your support during this incredibly challenging period. The Coronavirus pandemic has challenged us all in ways we couldn’t have imagined. We have all had to make a range of decisions that has impacted the way we live regarding work and home. The following information is a guide to how Dianella Secondary College will operate during term 2 until further notice. On-line Learning Over the past 2 weeks we have been busy contacting all families seeking information surrounding their ability to have students study on-line. Teachers have been busy uploading work packages and associated resources to connect. If there are changes to your on-line availability, please let the school know and a hard copy of work can be posted. Alternatively, if you no longer require hard copies, please let us know. Hard Copy Work packages Receiving Hard copy work packages will be sent out via mail to minimize face to face contact. A list of students who require these work packages has been compiled and will be mailed to you. Each work package will have a combination of assignments and assessments with expected return dates included. Returning completed work All completed work can be dropped off at Administration between 8.30am and 3.15pm. Large tubs for individual year groups will be sitting in the foyer, you simply need to place the work in the appropriate year level container. Please ensure that all completed work is clearly labeled with the name of the student, their class and year group. There is no need to hand the work to a teacher, all work will be passed to them. What does term 2 look like? Term 2 will be the same as the final week of term 1. As a school we recognize that there may be some students who have parents who are essential workers who need to send their child to school. This also applies to children who are considered vulnerable. It is important that students access the remote learning program where possible in order to minimize direct contact with other students and staff. As a community we need to remain vigilant and committed in reducing the spread of Covid-19. Sending students to school because they want to be with their friends is not acceptable. Students who do attend school will be supervised only and will access their work on-line. I would like to send you all my well wishes and positive thoughts as we enter term 2. I will continue to update you all as new information arises. If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to call or email the school. If you require technical support, Ryan Demarteau, our IT Technician is available to lend a hand. Yours sincerely, Wayne Austin Principal Thank you to all concerned who have helped Dianella Secondary College navigate our way through the most testing of times.
Our staff, both teaching and non-teaching, have been working tirelessly to prepare for term 2 which will move to an online platform. For those students who cannot access the internet, hard copied packages are being prepared. No student will be disadvantaged. As you would now be aware the Premier and Minister for Education announced changes to the school term, meaning students should remain at home from 6th April and only attend school if they cannot be supervised at home. It is critical that students remain at home where possible and adhere to the strict social isolation rules. Students attending school for social purposes must be strongly discouraged by parents and care-givers. During this time, you can help support your child by:
I will continue to communicate with you in the coming weeks via SMS, our web page or Facebook as we prepare for any further changes to our learning delivery. Please continue to communicate with the school via phone or email where possible. I would like to thank you all for your support and patience. Regards, Wayne Austin Principal |
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May 2023
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